
  1. Resources
  2. Introduction


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As an African Journal of Consecrated Life, The Catholic Voyage (TCV-Africa)
dedicates a column to telling stories and sharing poems from the African world,
including the African diaspora. It welcomes short stories and poems relating to the
Consecrated Life and its mission in the Church and in the African world.
The expression "Consecrated Life" is used in the inclusive or broad sense, since it has
an “extraordinary richness” with a “multiplicity of charisms” and institutions, and
“many different forms” and expressions.

In pursuance of its aims the TCV appreciates and promotes, defends and shares the
values of the Consecrated Life and authentic African cultural and moral values, and
the positive experiences therefrom. The neutral or negative values and elements in
the cultures should be purified, enriched, integrated, or otherwise discarded in the
African Christian understanding and practice of Consecrated Life. Such endeavours
can also be encouraged through story-telling and poems which are meant to express a
part of our way of life in Africa as persons striving to follow Christ more closely, and
to announce Truth and Mercy through love and service.

A story or poem ought to speak for itself, when well-written, through the ability or
competence of its author, and the strength of its content, message, and its delivery. A
story should have a storyline and a message. However, having a good message
alone, even if it is most inspiring or on an important topic, is in and of itself not
enough nor a guarantee of acceptance. This column offers an opportunity for
prospective authors to demonstrate and share the beauty and power of the art of story-
telling and poetry. It gives a space and a voice to share stories and poems from
African experiences and perspectives. These genres and media are additional
opportunities and ways to communicate the Christian message and share the stories
and values of the Consecrated Life with gratitude, joy, and hope.

The stories and poems must preferably be original and short. They should be
presented in an accessible, clear, and simple language, whether in text or video.
Accepted articles will be published in print and/or online (YouTube, website,
or Facebook).

Stories and poems  may be sent by email to: 

The  Editor of TCV-Africa at: